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Property management

Property management

We are thrilled to offer you exceptional property management services. At Paleros Travel, we pride ourselves on our flexibility and our ability to accommodate your requests in a timely manner. Our dedicated team is committed to managing your property with the utmost care and professionalism. We provide the following services : preparation of the property for rent, listing the property on popular reservation sites, accommodating tenants, collection of fees, housekeeping.Our comprehensive services are designed to maximize the value of your property while minimizing your stress and involvement. We understand that each property is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Our goal is to ensure your property is well-maintained, your guests are satisfied and your investment is protected. Partner with us for peace of mind, knowing that your property is in capable and caring hands.

Management & rental

We provide the following services: preparation of the house for rent, pacement of the property on catalogs and our websites, collection of fees, accomondation of tenarts, cleaning

Maintenance & repair

Design and repair, furnishing, installation of alarms and CCTV, purchase of household appliances. Preparing the house for your arrival

Accounting & payments

Submission of tax returns, payment of property tax, utility bills, notifications of any changes in taxes and fees

Concierge services

Organization if airport transfers, car rental, recreation activites - yacht rental, excursions and much more

Contact us

Do you have some comments or questions for us? We’d love to hear from you! Don’t be shy! Feel free to drop us a message!

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